Idol Cafe Auditions

We are seeking talented cafe hosts for our 2017 Idol-themed cafe! If you are interested in being part of this amazing cafe, please read all the requirements below and check out the audition dates.



All applicants are required to cosplay for the duration of the cafe (11am - 4pm 11/18-11/20). We do not require those who audition to have their cosplay beforehand -we will only ask about cosplays after all hosts have been selected. Auditioners who already have their cosplays ready may wear them to the audition for bonus points. Hosts will be given some financial assistance with their cosplay, however hosts will be required to contribute a substantial amount to their cosplay (either financially or by making it by hand).

The Love Live Muse Outfits are: Idolized Maid



Hosts will be required to be in-character during the audition and during the cafe. If a host has a grouchy character, he or she must be grouchy during the cafe, etc.


Health Card

Auditioners do not need to have health cards, however selected hosts are required to get a health card if they do not already have one. This is a MUST since hosts will be handling food.



All interested hosts are required to audition for their parts. During the audition, we will ask participants to be in-character as the character of their choice in a cafe setting. We will explain the general rules and policies of the cafe and will see how well the auditioners can play their parts within the guidelines given. Scores will be confidential and be 80% based on performance and 20% based on character/cosplay accuracy.


Confirmed hosts will be required to attend meetings and practices throughout the year to prepare for the cafe. We will do our best to work with everyone's schedules to ensure that everyone will be able to participate in at least a few meetings/practices. It is likely that practices and meetings will not be held on the same day(s) every month.

Open Audition Dates

June 16, 2017 [ 10am - 2pm ]

June 17, 2017 [ 10am - 3pm ]

July 21, 2017 [ 10am - 3pm ]

July 22, 2017 [ 10am - 1pm ]


810 E Sahara Ave, Unit 1

Las Vegas, NV 89104

Available Positions