Kpop Battles Siren



Join Superanx Kpop Battles in its Offical Kpop Vocal Debut Event

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Saturday November 18th, 2017 [ 5:30pm - 7:00pm ] Main Events


Signups will close November 10th


Registration Information: Teams will be able to register on Day 0 (Friday, November 17th) and Day 1 (Saturday, November 18th) of Sabakon in front of the registration desk that will be located at the front of the Main Events Hall

Participant Rules and Requirements

The process of eliminations and quality control is the same the dance-cover big sister version of this Kpop Battles. if you have the same pick as someone else then everyone with that pick or picks will be notified and given the option to switch. You will have the option to keep your choice but know that only the best one will be chosen and all others will unfortunate be eliminated from the selection. So to better your odds when this occurs we suggest switching but if you think you have the hottest thing on the market... well then follow your hearts.




1. Part of this competition is creativity.


2 .Solos only (for now).


3. Korean cover-song length cannot be longer than 2:30 (2 minutes & 30 seconds). Anything submitted longer has a 90% chance of being denied. You can ask for an extension but it is difficult to get it approved (an extra 30 seconds to cap out at 3 minutes). Minimum length of you vocal-cover has to be 1:30 (1 minute & 30 seconds long). Anything shorter will be denied.


4. DANCING! is not required. As this is not the focus nor will it help you get passed on. Focus on the singing. Please. But throwing some attitude into doesn't hurt.


5.  Please keep in mind that signing up DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in the live-show event.


6. You cannot sign up multiple times with solos or within a group. Mulitple signups will be eliminated if this happens.


7. You are required to submit footage of you singing your Korean vocal-cover primary pick. preferred the required length but we'll except the minimum length. Quality of the footage can be practice footage or edited is acceptable. Cellphone quality to professional quality. Just as long as your voice comes out in the video footage.

Questions? Concerns? 

Feel Free to contact us by Email 

[email protected] or Facebook 
